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Another Robochance To Roboplay The Hawken Robobeta

"Do we have keys for that?"

Games journalism IN ACTION. This was our response to news that much anticipated F2PFPSMechMMO Hawken is to squeeze in a second round of closed beta in a mere three days time, ahead of an open beta in mid-December. We'd, uh, better try and get ourselves on that. TO THE SENDING AN EMAIL CAVE!

If you've already obtained a beta key by means fair or foul you'll be able to join the second closed beta, running from Nov 8 (i.e this Thursday) to Tuesday the 13th, and is the terribly modern way of things these days, this time you'll also buy your way into the beta for $5. (Or more, up to $60 if you want bonus stuff). The access can't be bought just yet, but it should pop up on the website soon.

The Hawken folk offer various social media based ways to obtain keys, which you can see here, but I'd be willing to bet they'd also give you a key if you got the Hawken logo tattooed onto your scrotum. It's the least they could do, really. You can also try the Enlist page, though it's a total lottery. Really, you're far better off going with the injecting ink into your nutsack thing. I just can't see any downside.

The thing to know about Hawken is that it is very pretty, in a 'there are no primary colours in the future' sort of way.

Oh, and the open beta - or 'release version' as I like to call it - starts on December 12 this year.

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