Battlefield Heroes Beta Bounces Back
After going very, very quiet for a few months, EA and DICE are reopening the Battlefield Heroes closed beta today. Which means if you already had a key, you'll be able to get back into the new and improved version of the game when you receive an email. Should you not have a beta key, you can still get in line, with DICE planning to send out a few thousand invites in the near future. You'll need to create an account here, then fill in the sign-up form here.
Last week DICE explained on their forum what's been going on in the gap.
"The main thing we’ve been working on is building a new back-end and web system for the game. This means the Heroes website will look better and run faster and the forums, character profiles and stats will be leaner, cleaner, and meaner! We’ve redesigned and rebuilt the system that allows you to buy Battlefunds (virtual currency), earn Valor Points (in-game rewards), and to spend them on character customisation items like hats, weapons, and emotes.
We’ve also been working on improving what you see and feel in-game. We’ve fine-tuned our hit detection and made some balance improvements. We’ve hammered away on many of the bugs you were experiencing. We’ve even worked on some new customisation items and designed some new maps. These are things we will continue to work on throughout the beta and beyond."
There's still no official release date set, with DICE presumably waiting to see how the new version manages under the strain of real life players coming into their nice servers and breaking all the furniture.