I like careful, reflective journeys in as much as Alec does, but my other great vehicular passion is tossing cars down mountains and slamming them into brick walls. There's no greater game for that than BeamNG.drive [official site], which although still in alpha has the best physics and damage model of any driving game I've ever played. To prove the point, YouTube channel DragCarTV recreated common crash testing scenarios in the game and then put the footage side by side with real crashes to see how they matched up.
As impressive as I find the modelling in BeamNG, I'm surprised by how similar some of these accidents are. Impressive!
The description under the video explains how the video was made. The clips of the actual crashes come from the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), DTC (dynamictestcenter) and the TV shows Mythbusters, Fifth Gear and Top Gear. The game footage was made by taking advantage of BeamNG's thriving mod community, who share cars and tracks on a regular basis through the game's forums. There are links to the mods used, including vehicles, tracks and crash test dummy models through on the YouTube video above.