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Have You Played... Never Alone?

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

Never Alone is one of the best coop games I've played in recent times.

My parents would occasionally buy edutainment games for me. I hated the word even then. 'Edutainment' sounds like something that a politician might say with a straight face while trying to convince schools that they don't need books or literacy anymore.

The games were dreadful. Space Invaders but with numbers and sums, or crappy platform games where I had to collect letters and spell words to complete a level.

No, defiant Crowe, I am not.

Never alone is different. I learned about the folklore and life of people in a culture I know very little about, and I did it all in between short platforming and puzzling sections in one of last year's most handsome games. It's short, easy enough for anyone to pick up and play as either of the two main characters, and with some hard lessons beneath its endearing exterior.

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