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Win A Trip To Sweden To Play Battlefield 3

Greetings, humans. We have a new competition for you, and it's a little different from the norm. In fact, it's far better than the norm. (Well, unless you're afraid of flying. Then it might be worse, I guess).

The prize, for two lucky readers from the UK, is three days and two nights in Stockholm, Sweden, during which you'll get hands-on time with early code for Battlefield 3, meet and interview developers EA DICE, stay in a five-star hotel and also visit a local range to fire some real guns as well as BF3's virtual ones. You can still shout 'dakkadakkadakkadakka' as you do so if you wish, but honestly, it won't be necessary. Real bullets, see.

Oh, and your meals and evening drinks will be catered for too, so don't worry about starving. I'll be out there too, so you'll get to meet me/shoot me with virtual guns in Battlefield 3. But only the virtual ones. Not the real ones. Please. We'll do a special podcast while we're out there, chatting about what we got up to in the game, so it's also the chance to have your voice and opinions broadcast directly into the ears of your fellow RPS readers.

To enter, you first need to check that you're able to travel to Sweden on 29th, 30th and 31st August. This means having a valid passport as well as the necessary time. Again, please note that this particular competition is only open to UK residents, plus you need to be 18 or older.

You'll then need to answer the following question, by emailing us at this link:

Which of these was a real Battlefield game?

  • Battlefield 1946
  • Battlefield 2.5
  • Battlefield Quite Good Company 2
  • Battlefield 1942
  • Battlefield: Wales
  • Please include your full, real name in your message, and send it from an email account you check regularly.

    Important rules:

    The closing date for this competition is Friday 5th August 2011 at 5pm BST.
    You must be over 18 and a UK resident to enter.
    You must be available to travel to Sweden from 29th-31st August 2011.
    Prizes will not be exchanged for cash or other goods.
    No employees of Electronic Arts, DICE or Rock, Paper, Shotgun may enter.
    The judge's decision is final.

    Got all that? Good luck!

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