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Boogily boo: Outlast 2 spooking April 25th

A sequel but not

First-person stealth-o-spooker Outlast 2 [official site] will start haunting PC on April 25th, developers Red Barrels have announced. This sequel is leaving behind the kooky-ooky asylum of the first game, fun as it was, to tell a new story about investigating a religious cult in rural America. Would you believe that they like committing murders?

Though Outlast 2 tells a separate story, Red Barrels insist it's in the same universe, which I guess means wacky monster science is real. Here's what they say about Outlast 2's story:

"You are Blake Langermann, a cameraman working with your wife, Lynn. The two of you are investigative journalists willing to take risks and dig deep to uncover the stories no one else will dare touch. You’re following a trail of clues that started with the seemingly impossible murder of a pregnant woman known only as Jane Doe. The investigation has lead you miles into the Arizona desert, to a darkness so deep that no one could shed light upon it, and a corruption so profound that going mad may be the only sane thing to do."

No, no, they announced this long before Capcom even mentioned Resident Evil 7.

Oh! Speaking of rural horror (or horror set in a rural area, at least), I saw Sinister 2 over the weekend. It's rubbish but I was delighted to hear that the spooky murderghost children soundtracked their films of their killings with Ulver and Boards of Canada songs. Some precocious child murderers there.

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