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Brink-o-Vision: In-Game Footage At Last

Cryptic, gravitas-laden teasers are of little use - genuinely seeing a game in action is all that matters when it comes to trailertime. So, it's relief to be able to show you goodly human beans just what Splash Damage's upcoming hybrid single/multiplayer shooter Brink really looks like. This video focuses specifically on the (optional) auto-jump/climb system they call SMART. It's caused a bit of a fuss as Some Gentlemen have expressed that it must mean the game has been stupidised in the name of consolebox success, and similarly snobbish knee-jerk assertions. Maybe it will. But have you played it yet? No, you haven't. So maybe it won't. Gotcha!

This walkthrough vid tries to both explain and justify SMART's existence. Does it help, Some Gentlemen? Oh, and it also does a sterling job of demonstrating that the uber-shiny screens we've seen to date really are very close to the real thing...

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That's Game Director Paul Wedgewood speaking, by the way, in an exclusive whatchamacallit for G4.

I'm very keen to play the thing as, despite having seen it played first-hand, I still feel as though I have only the faintest sense of how it all works. A little bit Enemy Territory, a little Unreal Tournament assault mode, a little bit APB... Hopefully these frail human hands of mine will be able to typespeak more about Brink to you soon.

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