Chocks Away: World Of Warplanes Beta Opens
The skies used to be such a peaceful place: birds, clouds, rain. Then man invented the plane and everything went very wrong. World of Warclouds would be an excellent, relaxing way to spend an afternoon: you scoop up water from the ground, silently stalk around mountains and over airports, building up a tummy rumble to make thunder and lightning. At most you could make things wet, zap a tree with a lightning bolt, or divert a plane to another airport. That's a lot more relaxing than World of Warplanes. Wargaming's online sky shooter has been in closed beta for a few months now, but it's finally ready to open the hanger doors and let everyone in.
In fact, in a stunning rebuttal of the 'no oceans' political movement, America and Russia already have it. If you're reading this story from the lands of guns and bears, you can already sign-up and download it now. Europe, where I sadly and regrettably live, will have to wait until July 4th to freely play this free-to-play game. I imagine it's something to do with server shenanigans, or account doofers, but I'm still angry. Scowl at this launch trailer with me.
I can't wait for them to hit the special button that ties this, World of Tanks, and the upcoming World of Warships together. If that doesn't happen, I'll be very sad indeed.