Cities: Skylines takes a fishing trip to Sunset Harbor next week
Gone Fishin'
I've always thought Cities: Skyline's coasts were missing something. Now, I finally know what it was: it's the clanging of bells, the swaying of battered old boats and the scent of a fresh morning's catch. Today, Paradox announced Sunset Harbor, bringing some good ol' fashioned fishing to your city's industrial roster. More than just bringing a little bit of Berwick to Paradox's city-builder, Skyline's next DLC pack makes sweeping changes to public transport across land, sea and air when it arrives next week.
Whether out on the open sea or on a dockside fish farm, your city will soon be saltier than a barnacle-encrusted puffin. Now, how's about letting us set up a couple-dozen chippies, eh Paradox? City management with salt n' sauce?
There's more than fishing going on in Sunset Harbor, mind. You can now satisfy rich citizens (and irritate everyone else) with passenger helicopters jetting throughout your cities. A new aviation club, meanwhile, will help service all the mid-life crisis dads by offering recreational flying, supposedly adding attractiveness and entertainment value to your town.
New transport hubs will help connect different forms of public transit together, letting you place train lines, trams and bus stations together in one neat package. New types of busses have been added to fill different roles, from intercity coaches to eco-friendly trolleybuses.
It'll also soon, supposedly, be easier to start shifting trash about your city. That's the real exciting part, ain't it - I never quite nailed trash management, and I reckon that's at least part of why every city I found eventually ends up ravaged by some sort of plague.
Sunset Harbor will come to port next Thursday, 26th, alongside a new Content Creator Pack and another radio station. Lo-Fi beats to study civic management/relax to, anyone?