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Dad dating sim Dream Daddy is out now

Daddy cool

THERE ARE HOT SINGLE DADS IN YOUR AREA JUST BEGGING FOR A DATE! No, seriously, there are: Dream Daddy [official site] is out now, and you're a dad trying to date other hot dads.

It's got a branching narrative, multiple endings, and a total of seven date-able dads. And with all those dad comes lots of dad jokes, naturally, which I'm always in favour of ("Are you ready? Hi ready, I'm Dad"), and punnage galore. And havarti (look it up).

"You and your daughter have just moved into the sleepy seaside town of Maple Bay only to discover that everyone in your neighborhood is a single, dateable Dad! Will you go out with Teacher Dad? Goth Dad? Bad Dad? Or any of the other cool Dads in this game? With minigames, sidequests, and a variety of paths and endings, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator is this year's most anticipated Dad-based game."

The art style looks groovy and I'm intrigued by the character customisation screen: there's 28 different colours of facial hair to choose from. Pink handlebar it is, then.

Dream Daddy customisation

The game was due out last week but it was pushed back very late in the day, and then pushed back again this week. But hey-ho, it's here now.

Dream Daddy is £10.99/14,99€/$14.99 on Steam if you fancy picking it up.

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