Dead Rising 4 unveils separate co-op missions
No campaign co-op
With Christmas fast approaching and the seasonal zombie nightmare of Dead Rising 4 [official site] coming even sooner, Capcom have revealed more of its four-player co-op. Unlike earlier Dead Rising games, which supported co-op in the campaign, 4 is splitting co-op off into a separate mode with separate missions. I'd rather scamper freely across the winter wonderland with my pals, frolicking and playing as we please, but I suppose I should know by now that Christmas is a time for schedule-driven, purposeful, strict, enforced fun with no room for deviation. Finish your co-op and get the jumper your gave you on in time for the Christmas Doctor Who, you hooligans.
Each 'episode' of the co-op is timed, running across two in-game days. You might be killing a load of zombies, driving a combo of go karts, fighting nasty bosses, or goodness knows what else.
Then there's persistent progression with skills, money, and unlockable fancy weapons. Here, Ian Games Network had a peek:
It looks fine, I suppose? Fine. I'd guess that adding structure to the multiplayer is meant to make it more inviting or exciting to certain types of player. I'd be happy dicking about in a zombie-infested mall at Christmastime, myself.
Dead Rising 4 is due out for Windows 10 on December 6th. It'll be an 'Xbox Play Anywhere' game, meaning folks who buy it digitally on Xbone get it on Win 10 to, and vice versa.