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Don't Go In The... Sky? Miami Shark

I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about Miami Shark. Miami Shark is a game in which you play a shark. Who pulls planes into the sea. Thank you for your time, and have a good day.

You see, by swimming to the bottom of the sea you can then swim up with enough velocity to fly high into the air, and once there bite onto anything flying overhead. You don't have to concentrate on aerial enemies. There's boats on the surface, divers at the seabed and dolphins in between. Hell, why not take out a flock of geese, then belly flop onto a yacht?

In case you don't think it's possible for sharks to jump out of the water and bite planes, you idiot sceptic, I've posted some documentary video footage below. Meanwhile, go beat each others' high scores.

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Big thanks to Kim for the tip.

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