Eurogamervization: Sims 3 Interview/Hands-On
Tom "Tom Bramwell" Bramwell sends me to play the Sims 3 and chat to assistant producer MJ Chun. Where I start like this...
"It's a moment of strange and joyous freedom. I've created my two Sims, the lovely married couple of John Walker (lazy, slobbish, neurotic - and in the game!) and She-Hulk (athletic, flirtatious and a kleptomaniac - guaranteeing me outrage from Shulkie fans for my out-of-character characterisation). They're in their house. All is well. It's The Sims.
And then, with a scroll and a click, I send She-Hulk running across the road to start seducing the neighbours, while John watches helplessly."
Write what you know. We should be getting some Sims 3 preview code soon, which we're planning to do some fun stuff with. Unless we forget.