Fallout 4 Asks: What Makes You S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
My mummy loves me
As a new series of Fallout 4 [official site] trailers begins, I realise that I've always played pretty much the same character in every Fallout game, every time. In the style of cutesy '50s animations starring dear little Vault Boy, the videos will go over the seven primary attributes of Fallout - Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck - and how they affect the way you play and the things you can do. Naturally, it starts with S for Strength. I have never built a high-strength character.
I've always rolled strong on Perception, so I can snipe eyes out of faces, and Agility, for the action points in the original Fallout games then for the sneaking bonus in Bethesda's, with leftover points going into Intelligence then Charisma so I don't miss out on many clever bits or conversation options. I have never charged into battle waving a honking great hammer, hurled a spear, carried a minigun (always had a pal do it), or intimidated an NPC with my jacked abs. Huh! Maybe it's about time I did.
And in the game.
Here's Bethesda to explain why a buddy survivor of the nuclear apocalypse might want to invest in Strength:
Fallout 4 is due to launch on November 10th, with mod tools and DLC following in 2016.