Fallout 4 Continues To Explain Skills You Already Know
E is for Endurance!
We've already seen two videos faux-whimsically explaining skills from Fallout 4's [official site] returning S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, and I'd be lying if I said the idea of posting one more a week for the next five weeks sounds like a wonderful way of whiling away the working day. But people do love a bit of Vault Boy, and given that Bethesda are still keeping their cards fairly close to their chests on Fallout 4, these are a chance to fish for a little more info on the post-apocalpytic RPG. This time, it's Endurance, and how not to die horribly.
You probably know the drill - it's hitpoints and radiation resistance, essentially, but we get some cutely dark animations to explain the concept. Beheadings, cannibalism and death races all feature, but sadly we don't get to see what any of these will look like in the game proper. I'm not sure any of the things mentioned are new-new, but any confirmation of a returning thing is probably good news.
Fallout 4 is due on November 10th, with modding tools to follow next year.