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Gang Beasts hurls free trial weekend into the arena

The merriest of murders

Hurling your mate through a plate glass window, into a grinder, or off a speeding van is somehow even more fun in Gang Beasts [official site] than in real life. It's a wonderfully daft multiplayer brawler about gelatinous squishmen who have your usual punches and kicks but, crucially, have a button to grip - meaning you can grab onto anything and everyone, tossing people around or holding on for dear life after someone tries to hurl you into the sea. If you haven't played it yet, mate, round up some chums and have a go during the free trial weekend which has now started on Steam.

The free weekend started tonight and will end at 1pm (9pm Pacific) on Sunday, September 24th. If you want Gang Beasts for keepsies after that, it has a 33% discount this weekend too, bringing it down to £10.04/€13.39/$13.39.

I'd honestly forgotten Gang Beasts is still in early access. I've played it a fair few times over recent years, often surrounded by cheering crowds at local multiplayer events (not cheering for me, obvs), and always had a ball. It is good video games.

Developers Boneloaf say that this trial weekend is to "stress test the new server architecture and networking scheme and support for private sessions on official servers." They've worked a lot on improving online multiplayer since the feature first launched into testing last year, see, and they want to see how well it's working out.

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