Gang Beasts is going it alone and self-publishing future updates
The Gang leaves the nest
Silly wobble person fighting game Gang Beasts is going it alone, planning to self-publish future updates. Last year, Boneloaf's former publisher Double Fine Presents was bought up by Microsoft, eventually saying that continuing to be a publisher after being bought by a bigger publisher "doesn't make sense," and calling the new structure a "complicated issue." Looks like Gang Beasts will come out of the equation alright, as Boneloaf are planning some new updates for the game even post-publisher.
"We love Double Fine and they have been really fantastic to us," say Boneloaf in a new post. "With Double Fine Presents winding down due to Double Fine's acquisition by Xbox Game Studios last year, we think it is a good time for Boneloaf to stand on its own...legs and publish Gang Beasts ourselves."
Currently, Boneloaf say they're planning to release Gang Beasts update 1.13 as a beta branch on Steam sometime next month. They plan to include "a modified version of the wheel stage with support for online game modes and a series of optimisations and fixes for UI, audio, costumes, gameplay, and achievements." They're also working on new stages and costumes, though more information on those is yet to come.
Gang Beasts looks like a silly QWOP 'em up, and it kind of is, but it's also one of the best fighting games on PC by RPS standards. Its goofy, jello-legged avatars are good for several laughs with friends in my experience. It's good to hear then that they're planning to continue on with updates for the fighting game even now that their publisher has been swallowed by a bigger fish.
Ta, Eurogamer.