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Getting Kobold: Arcania: Gothic 4 E3 Trailer

So, Gothic 4 trailer, then? I'm ten seconds into this before the voice-over mentions - without any visible trace of irony - "an island under attack by an ancient evil". I can imagine the debate in the Spellbound office - "Isn't this completely clichéd nonsense?" "No - you see, this is an island under attack from an ancient evil. Not a land, country, world, etc, etc. We're actually the new Planescape Torment we're being that original" "Wait... how big is this island? Because a lot of islands are tiny. Are we talking Australia or are we talking the Isle of Man? Some Islands would be threatened by the average rowdy stag-do." "Stop worrying! We're golden! And we're called ArcaniA! That's some original typography right there, man."

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Though - er - all that would be in German.

Alec informs me that Islands have always been the Gothic games' thing, but I'm well past caring. Toodles!

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