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Gulag Ork-esta: Gothic 4 Released

Hold onto your hat/kettle helmet/spangenhelm! Gothic 4, aka ArcaniaA: Gothic 4, has been released on European direct download sites. North Americans will have to wait until the 19th (EDIT: Turns out NA residents can get it now on GamersGate), and I'm not sure about the rest of the world. As I type this I am imagining some furious Mexican RPS fan throwing his morning tequila sour out of the window. So it goes.

Cautious readers should know that Alec's Wot I Think of Gothic 4 will be with us shortly, and that there's a demo out. Impulsive, spendthrift readers can probably decide whether they want Gothic 4 based on the latest trailer, which can be found below.

And for anybody who likes their fantasy game trailers set to techno-metal instead of beefy orchestral drums, go check out the trailer on the official Gothic 4 site. It's something else.

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