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Watch Hearthstone Stream Reveal New Cards In 1 Hour

The Grand Tournament is close to opening.

Hearthstone's latest expansion The Grand Tournament [official site] is just around the corner, with a confirmed release date of some time this month. There isn't a whole lot of month left, so a livestream tonight will reveal a heap of new cards and probably a release date. Were I a guessing man with a platform to turn that guess into news, I'd bet the coming downtime on Tuesday/Wednesday is patch-day. Watch the stream below live at 6pm Brit-Time, 10am PDT and we'll update this post with any news that comes to light.

  • Every card from the expansion will be revealed today between the stream and the Facebook page afterwards.
  • There are a number of new tribal cards in the expansion, including Dragons, Pirates and Murlocs.
  • No release date was revealed, that's me shown. To make another gamble I can't cash, that would suggest it isn't next week as they would probably know by now if it was.

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