GW2: Get Anything If You Axe Them Nicely
Catching up with some interesting stuff we missed last week before E3 goes completely gonzoid, Adam noted that Arenanet have released more info on Guild Wars 2. In a continuation of what they've been doing before, it explores one system and dissects one character class. The system is the Traits, which are advantage-style bonuses you can add to your character's skills to supplement your build. Read here. Secondly, they reveal the genre-staple of the warrior. Ah, hitting. Will we ever be bored of the hitting? Lots of details on their core mechanics and various uses of weapon types - from hammers to rifles - and a whole load of new videos showing off some attacks. WHICH FOLLOW!
Stomping your big stompy stomp-foot! (aka Floor hitting)
And Axe-hitting.
My favourite kind of hitting is pub-hitting for drinks, but doesn't seem to be an option yet.
Yeah, despite the somewhat questionable character combat-barks, I'm actually impressed at how excited Guild Wars 2 - trad fantasy and all - is making me.