Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs expansion coming in December
Going underground (going underground)
Blizzard, this isn't right. Fighting dinosaurs, liches, crime syndicates, and old gods is fine, but now you're going too far. Blizzard today announced Kobolds & Catacombs, a new Hearthstone expansion that send merciless card-collectors down to beat up on those lovely little creatures who only want a stub candle and maybe a little gold. Appalling. Coming in December, the expansion will bring 135 new cards and a new singleplayer dungeon crawl mode. But look at these sweethearts and tell me you'd kick 'em for a few measly gems:
Kobolds & Catacombs is going underground (going underground) to plunder. Expect nine new class legendary weapons, a new 'Recruit' keyword on cards that will pull minions out your deck and into play, Spell Stone cards that become more powerful if you can meet certain conditions while holding them in your hand, and 'Unidentified' cards which have random bonuses.
Blizzard are already showing off some of the new cards but most are still under wraps.
Dungeon Runs mode sounds neat too. Blizzard explain:
"Players start with a novice deck from their class of choice and face a series of progressively stronger foes, randomly selected from a huge pool of unique bosses. As they progress, they’ll bolster their decks with cards looted from defeated bosses, including some immensely powerful treasures exclusive to Dungeon Runs. Heroes should plunder with caution, however, because losing a single battle will spell the end of their Dungeon Run."
December it is. But remember: a kobold is for life, not just for Christmas.