Homefront Sells 0 Copies In UK
The real headline here is that Homefront has sold 375,000 copies on its first day of release. In the US. Where it has been released. Unlike the rest of the world. And honestly, I've had enough of this nonsense. So you know what - I'm going to get it changed. I pledge that by this time next year, games will be released on the same day in the UK as they are in the US. The rest of the world, you can organise your own campaigns. I'm only one man, with one powerful website behind him. Watching Homefront preload, even though the internet contains no oceans.
The reason THQ are making these sales figures known is likely in an attempt to do something about yesterday's shocking 20% collapse in their share price. Homefront reviews were let out of the bag (our review code appears to be lost in the post - genuinely - but was sent to us very late), and they're not impressive. Which doesn't surprise me, because blimey, the first four missions were poor. And learning it's only four or five hours long, that represents a fair chunk of the full game.
And with its release delayed by three days for the rest of the world, we've all heard about this long before our fevered anticipation may have had us run blindly into a shop, grabbing at everything like a deranged* Supermarket Sweep contestant. (*Wow, there's redundancy.)
So these delays do no good for publishers or customers. So let's have this nonsense stopped.