Inter-Play: Project Eternity Adds Wasteland 2 Pledge Tier
There's a new reward tier for Obsidian's Project Eternity, which has currently raised more than double its $1.1 million goal. It's a pricey tier - $165 - but rather than receiving a sculpted miniature of a distressed bank manager, backers will receive a digital copy of Project Eternity, its first expansion and Wasteland 2. That's one way of Kicking it Forward, I guess. There are all sorts of historical connections between Fargo and the Obsidian folks, and Nathan spoke to Chris Avellone about his contributions to Wasteland 2. Basically, it wouldn't be surprising to find Eternity and Wasteland 2 making out behind the bike sheds. More details on the expansion below.
"The expansion will come out approximately six months after Project Eternity is released and is not being funded by this Kickstarter. That’s right, it’s not DLC, but a real honest to God RPG expansion pack. We don’t have the details on the Expansion yet, but you can bet it will be what you’d expect from an Infinity Engine game expansion."
I give it six months before a Kickstarter project becomes sentient, eats all the others and we have to nuke the site from orbit.