Join The Happy Crowd: Dracula Cha Cha
This is in the words of comment-thread bores everywhere OLD!!!! but who could resist beginning the day at RPS with this splash-screen looming over our palatial headquarters? Alec, probably. Or Jim. Or Walker. But not me. Dracula Cha Cha a one-button game of gleeful madness, being the logical collision between Canabalt and the wonderful Feel the Magic: XY/XX/Project Rub/I Would Die For You (i.e. Tomena Sanner! Doh!). Plus Green Door as a soundtrack. It literally can't get any better. Go gets, or watch a video of it and - presumably - its in-progress sequel below...
And there's also a video for Dracula Cha Cha: Venice. WHICH APPEARS TO BE STILL A WORK IN PROGESS.
Hurry up, Lobo.