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Kark At This: BF3 Expansion Trailer

I've spent the last ten minutes trying and failing to make the Battlefield 3 noise with my mouth, but it has too many digital effects over it and my mouth, as I've just discovered, is analogue. Such mimicry is my usual reaction to squelchy electronica, and I just watched the trailer for Back to Karkand, the first expansion to EA's five-million and counting selling lawnmower simulator. Join me below in watching it.

It cleverly takes the classic Battlefield maps (ie: the ones we actually want to play), Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman, Sharqui Peninsula, and Wake Island, and takes the new engine and makes them kiss. The are three new vehicles and ten new weapons, too. Bonus: if you pre-ordered the main game, you'll get it for free, the rest will have to pay £11.99/$15/23.5666666 Peggles.

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