"Look At That Shit"
It is, as you probably haven't been able to avoid, Black Ops O'Clock at midnight tonight. In time-honoured fashion, I will be shooting some dudes then writing some words about shooting some dudes on the morrow, but ahead of that let's not forget Call of Warfare Duty 2 Modern, the game the seized the hearts and mind of a hundred billion men. What passion, indeed, it inspires.
None more so than the excitable gentleman below. His commentary is, to use his own vernacular, a biblical piece of work. Straight-up beast, even.
What a piece of work is a man, eh?
A few of my favourite quotes:
A straight up beast! Look at that beastin'!
They should make a patch for Sandy Ravage.
He gets stuck on that Volvo but that don't matter.
These ill-equipped soldiers are... humidified.
How the fuck can you combat the uncombatable? You can't! How many more lives does he have to end? Just give up!
Son, son you better run quicker. Save your own life!
That's a thing of beauty people. He beastified so bad that the server got interrupted. That is straight-up beastifying, people.