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Telltale's Strong Bad episodic adventures continue to prove themselves leagues ahead of the disappointing Sam & Max series (yeah, want to fight about it?). Episode 3 was completely stunning, some of the finest adventure gaming I've had in a very long while. In case you missed it, you can get the demo here. And now the demo for the next episode is out, and here's the full title:
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People: Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective
Is that a record?
Dangeresque began as a spoof action movie on the Homestar Runner site. Well, actually it began with Dangeresque II: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1. Then, a few months later, came Dangerseque I: Dangeresque, Too?, despite Strong Bad having previously promised Dangeresque 3. Well now, four and a half years later, the promise is delivered on in the latest game. It has to be the most in-jokey game of all time. I strongly recommend watching both the cartoons before even starting with this, so I've put them below (or follow the previous links for the fullsize versions). Then the trailer for the new ep.
Oh, and if you play the full game you'll see the trailer for the next and final episode. It's the one I've been waiting for!