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Commence Your Criming: Mafia III Released

Take over New Bordeaux

Bang! Vroom! Pow! Thwock! Cuss! Crime! Those sounds and more are now echoing across '60s not-New Orleans in Mafia III [official site], which has just come out - in the UK, at least. It's an open-crimeworld third-person shooter about gangs, the mob, and other naughty people, with crimes to commit, men to shoot, and a criminal empire to build. Our John has put on his crimehat to do crimes and tell us all Wot He Thinks but it'll be a while before he's fully crimed-up. So for now, hey look it's out!

The release has not been without trouble, however. A lot of players are already annoyed that the game is locked to 30 frames per second and are furiously firing their thumbs-down cannons at full power on Steam. The developer has acknowledged the spate of negative reviews and responded, saying that they are working on a patch to make everything better.

"We are currently working on an update for PC that will give players the option to play Mafia III at higher framerates. We'll share more details about the update, and when you can expect it to arrive, very soon. In the meantime, the team welcomes feedback and would like to hear from you about what performance adjustment options are important to you. We're actively considering a number of additional post-launch improvements on PC that would give players more control over how they can tailor the game’s experience to suit their rig's performance."

Mafia III tells the tale of Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam veteran who returns home to not-New Orleans (it was originally set in the real city but has since shifted to the fictional analogue of New Bordeaux) to find the Italian Mafia murdering all his pals in the black mob. So he sets out to murder them back and steal all their crimes.

While the first two Mafia games were fairly linear games which happened to be set in open-world cities, III looks like much more of a Grand Theft Auto-ish sandbox with crime opportunities all over the place. You can take over criminal enterprises, helping squeeze the mafia out and bolstering your empire.

Until John's back with crimetales, hey, you can watch this twenty-minute gameplay trailer and read what Adam made of a preview build.

Mafia III is £34.99/49,99€/$59.99 on Steam. Yes, DLC is coming. Here's the launch trailer with an anachronistic tune from Ice Cube and DJ Shadow:

Watch on YouTube

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