Marvel's Avengers unveils beta details and free post-launch Hawkeye DLC
Pretty fly for a Hawkeye
Crystal Dynamics' latest War Table video for upcoming Marvel's Avengers premiered today, during which they gave a look at what sounds like a pretty stacked beta. They go over all the many mission types you'll be able to play through prior to launch and gave a teaser for the first hero they plan to add to the crew when the game's properly out.
The open beta period for PC players begins on August 21st. We don't typically talk pre-orders around these parts, but as a relevant distinction, PC players can begin playing the beta on August 14th if they've bought the game ahead of time. Crystal Dynamics go over lots of beta details in the video below and it actually sounds like quite a lot to get through.
You'll start off with the Golden Gate Bridge demo that leads up to A-day where you can try out the moves for all your heroes. After that you'll work through several singleplayer hero missions and some war zone missions you can take on alone or in co-op. After you finish the singleplayer story for the beta, you can take Iron Man, Kamala Khan, Black Widow, or Hulk through some additional challenges.
Co-op is great and all, but CD also go over how you'll be able to utilise your AI teammates. CD say that if you choose to play alone, the game will drop in your specific heroes as party members using the skills you've chosen to unlock and the gear you've equipped them with. As your resident party-based RPG fan, I can appreciate a good AI companion. Customising the look and play style of your party are both important.
Aside from the beta, Crystal Dynamics also talked about post-launch plans, including the first free character DLC. Yer guy Hawkeye will be the first addition, coming with his own story missions. It sounds like they're planning plenty more character and mission updates after launch as well.
Open beta for Marvel’s Avengers begins August 21st. A-Day is on September 4th.
You can find Marvel's Avengers over on Steam for £50/€60/$60.