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Master of Orion Trailer Gives First Look At Combat

Look at the pretty space things

Master of Orion [official site], a remake of the 4X game which came out in 1993, was announced by World of Tanks developers at this year's E3 with a very short teaser. Now they've released the first video of the game in action. If you'd like to see two very awkward robots talk you through what's coming in the new game, the video's below.

If you'd like to tolerate the robots and their grating voices for long enough to glean some information from the video, you can still watch it here as I did.

Watch on YouTube

Still, there's a good amount of game footage there to have a gander at, although it's mostly conventional 4X fair. The video introduces a couple of races: the peace-loving Psilon Quanta (yay) and the conquest-focused Sakkra (boo). We see the Sakkra fend off some pirates and a 'Space Monster', giving us a quick glimpse into how the combat system works. It seems fairly simple, though that bit with nukes and biological weapons is intriguing. The art style looks lovely: it's hard for things set in space to not be pretty, and those planets are gorgeous.

It'll be interesting to see how the once-beloved MoO fairs with Endless Space 2 also on the horizon. On the one hand, Endless Space devs Amplitude studios have a proven track record of delivering innovative, beautifully designed games with sexy UIs and fascinatingly varied races. On the other hand, Master of Orion has Space Dragons.

I've not played the original or either of its sequels, but Master of Orion 2 is on our list of the 50 best strategy games of all time, so it's probably up to snuff.

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