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Fin: Monaco Adds Fourth And Final Campaign

"It's time to start over"

With Pocketwatch Games starting work on its "RTS you could play in a party setting" Armada, it's time to stop coddling Monaco and set it free into the big wide world to stand on its own two feet. Run, Monaco! Be free! It's hard to let go, though, so Pocketwatch has packed one final patch for its darling little heist 'em up: cheese & Marmite sandwiches, a kiwi fruit (forgot a spoon though), a Tunnock's Tea Cake, and the fourth and final official Monaco campaign.

Creator Andy Schatz says that the new campaign 'Fin' is "brutally difficult" and you'll find "all eight levels are as hard as Identity." Gosh. This about wraps up Pocketwatch's development on Monaco, though it has a level editor so players can still make new heists of their own.

And aw, here are a few thoughts from Schatz on what's passed and what's yet to come:

I designed Monaco on paper in 2003 when I was still an employee of a much bigger (now defunct) game developer. Development started in October of 2009. Andy Nguyen joined the team in May 2011. The game launched in April 2013. One year later, nearly a million copies of the game sold, and it’s time to move on.

It's time to bring something new into the world. It's time to start over. It's time for us to earn your attention again.

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