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Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord has added automatic blocking by popular demand

Shields up, lordlings

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/TaleWorlds Entertainment

While charging ahead through its early access period, Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord has added some new features to make your warring a bit more convenient. A hefty list of changes and bug fixes got moved to the main public version of the game and it sounds like it'll be solving a few common headaches. Automatic blocking with shields has made the cut, as has a feature that allows you to choose your troops before heading to hideouts. You can celebrate both by cheering with your troops, another thing you can do now.

TaleWorlds have published all the updates in their update 1.4.3 patch notes but they also give the highlights for busy lords on Twitter. One of the biggest lifesavers—quite literally I imagine—is the return of auto blocking. Eager players had already created an auto block revival mod but TaleWorlds have apparently relented and chucked it into the game themselves. In singleplayer you won't need to use your lightning reflexes to select a direction to block anymore, just timing the shield block itself.

Charging helmet-first into a hideout will now send your highest level troops with you by default. You can also choose a specific roster of fighters from a party screen if you're choosy about your backup. Other bits on TaleWorlds' selected highlights for the patch are the ability to cheer with your troops using one of four animations and speaking with other parties on the map without sitting through a loading screen.

Update 1.4.3 for Bannerlord is live now with all the changes listed in the official patch notes.

If you've recently jumped into the saddle for the first time, here are some Bannerlord tips for beginners.

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