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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord character creation: How to choose and upgrade skills

Learn how to unlock and upgrade skills, select perks, develop your character's culture and background

What is the best character build in Bannerlord? I've seen complicated skill systems in the past, but I've never seen anything quite like the one found in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Every skill has a bunch of perks that you can choose from, and upgrading your attributes requires you to take multiple factors into account.

On this page we'll help you get started with building your very own leader in Bannerlord. You'll learn how to increase your skill level, what focus points are and how to use them, and how to create a character. We'll also be listing the whole lot, and with good planning, you'll make your character a force to be reckoned with in battle.

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How to increase your skill level in Bannerlord

Upgrading your character in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is incredibly complicated. It took me a fair while to wrap my head around it as it's not very well explained in-game. There are three specific areas to explain here: Attributes, Skills, and Focus Points.

  • Attributes: These are the six stats that have three skills each bound to them. For every third level up, you will also gain an attribute point which you can assign to an attribute by clicking the attribute in the character sheet (press "C" on world map to bring it up). Then click the plus sign in the window that appears and confirm by clicking "Done".
  • Skills: Your character's skills are initially defined by their culture and background (see below for more details on those), but are further upgraded by performing certain actions to gain skill points. Each one is bound to an attribute and you need to perform an action linked to that skill to increase its skill points. You can find the actions in the table below.
  • Focus Points: When you level up your character by gaining enough skill points, you will gain "focus points". Spending these focus points will allow you to increase your proficiency in that skill up to a maximum threshold. This is indicated by the green area. Any skill increases beyond the green area requires more focus points to be spent on that trait. It does not increase after spending the point automatically based on your performance prior to the threshold increase.

With all that explained, here is a list of all actions required to increase every single skill in the game:

SkillAssociated attributeHow to increase skill level
One handedVigorAttack with one-handed weapons (excluding polearms). Can have shield equipped.
Two handed VigorAttack with two-handed weapons (excluding polearms).
PolearmsVigorAttack with polearms (both one-handed and two-handed).
BowControlShooting enemies with bow and arrows and firing long-distance shots.
CrossbowControlFiring bolts with crossbows.
ThrowingControlHit enemies with thrown weapons.
RidingEnduranceRide around on horseback in the world map and in battle.
AthleticsEnduranceRun around on foot in the world map and in battle.
SmithingEnduranceCrafting gear, refine materials, and smelt old equipment in a smithy.
ScoutingCunningFinding tracks and hideouts in the world map, as well as travelling on difficult terrain such as forests and mountains.
TacticsCunningOrdering your troops in battle, winning while outnumbered/outclassed, or escaping encounters.
RogueryCunningBribery, raiding enemy towns and caravans, leading bandit troops, or escaping from captivity.
CharmSocialImproving relationship with your companions, performing social actions with nobles such as playing Talbut, and bartering with traders.
LeadershipSocialMaintain a high morale score and amass larger number of troops in your army.
TradeSocialGenerate a profit when trading, and operating caravans.
StewardIntelligenceGain party morale from increased food variety, improving settlement prosperity with constructing new buildings, and spending time in your settlements.
MedicineIntelligenceHave soldiers heal in settlements.
EngineeringIntelligenceBuild and operate siege weapons.

Unlocking skill perks in Bannerlord

As well as increasing your skill points, increasing the skill up to certain levels will unlock perks. These are additional bonuses that are applied to actions you perform or while you have equipped a certain type of weapon or armour.

These will grant you various perks that can help in battle. To unlock a perk, you will need to do the following:

  1. Press "C" on your keyboard in the world map to bring up the character sheet.
  2. Click the skill you wish to upgrade.
  3. Click a highlighted logo in the timeline view of the skill in that trait. To see in advance what they do, just go into the skill and hover your mouse over it.
  4. Click the perk you wish to unlock and confirm the selection by pressing "Done".

Bannerlord perks list

Here is a list of every single perk currently in Bannerlord:

Note: If there is more than one perk listed with the same skill level requirement, you can only choose one of the two perks to unlock.

Perk nameAssociated skillSkill level requirementPerk effect
Edge Placement IOne-handed25+4% one-handed weapon damage
Extra HP IOne-handed25+3 HP
Raider IOne-handed50+4% weapon speed bonus if one-handed weapon is equipped
Shield Bash IOne-handed50Shield Bash causes +50% damage.
Bruiser IOne-handed75+10% damage if one-handed mace is equipped
Long StridesOne-handed75Half weight effect of shields on movement speed in combat.
Bulwark IOne-handed100-25% to damage received to shields
Sword Master IOne-handed100+8% damage if one-handed sword weapon equipped.
Arrow CatcherOne-handed125Larger shield protection area against ranged weapons on shields.
Edge Placement IIOne-handed125+5% one-handed damage.
Bulwark IIOne-handed150-25% to damage received to shields
Bury the HatchetOne-handed150+10% damage if one-handed axe is equipped.
Sword Master IIOne-handed175+10% damage if one-handed sword is equipped.
Shield Bash IIOne-handed175Shield Bash causes an additional +50% damage
Raider IIOne-handed200+4% weapon speed bonus if one-handed weapon is equipped
DuelistOne-handed225+10% damage when wielding a one-handed weapon without a shield.
BasherOne-handed225+20% damage and extended stun duration with Shield Bashes.
Steel Core ShieldsOne-handed250-15% damage to shields.
Secondary ExpertsOne-handed250+10% damage with axes and maces.
Shield BearerOne-handed275Shields don't affect character's combat weight.
Extra HPTwo-handed25+3 HP
Extra DamageTwo-handed25+1.5 extra two-handed damage
Garrison CapacityTwo-handed50+10 garrison limit
Reduced WageTwo-handed50-5% garrison wages
Power BasherTwo-handed75+2% speed and +5% damage to two handed weapons with less than 85 speed
Speed BasherTwo-handed75+1% speed and +2% damage to two handed weapons with more than 100 speed
NotoriousTwo-handed100+10% renown gain after battles
Quick PlunderTwo-handed100+5% raiding speed
Multi-hitTwo-handed125+40% hit damage for secondary successful hits
Edge PlacementTwo-handed125+3% cut damage
Shield BreakerTwo-handed150+10% damage against shields
EvisceratorTwo-handed150+30% morale loss to enemies when using two handed weapons
Mounted Two HandedTwo-handed175Lower attack penalty while mounted
BerserkerTwo-handed175Speed bonus modifier increased while player is on foot
Legendary Two HandedTwo-handed200Enemy begins with -1 morale
Inspiring LeaderTwo-handed200+40% XP gain for up to 5 troops within a 10m radius whenever you defeat an enemy
Horse SlaughterTwo-handed225+20% damage to horses
VandalTwo-handed225+40% damage to objects
DominatorTwo-handed250+10% chance to crush through with two handed weapons
Knock DownTwo-handed250Increased chance to knock down an enemy with a successful attack
Two Handed MasteryTwo-handed275+0.2% speed and +0.5% damage for every skill point beyond 200.
Deflect ArrowsTwo-handed275A chance to block arrows with two handed weapons
Extra HPPolearm25+3 HP
Standard BearerPolearm50+15% morale to troops in formation at the start of battle
Horse KillerPolearm75+70% damage to horses
FootworkPolearm75+2% combat movement speed while wielding a polearm
LancerPolearm100+30 couched lance damage
Push BackPolearm125Enemies are pushed back when blocking polearm thrust attacks with shields
Powerful ThrustPolearm150+2% thrust damage with polearms
Howling SwingPolearm150+2% swing damage with polearms
Expert InfantryPolearm175+2% damage with polearms while on foot
Expert CavalryPolearm175+2% damage with polearms while on horseback
Rapid LancerPolearm200Reduced cooldown for couching lances
Keep at BayPolearm225Push opponents with successful attacks
SlaughterPolearm250Faster swings with polearms
Tight GripPolearm275+30% couched lance damage
MarksmanBow25+10% accuracy with bows
Strong PullBow50+15% to hold aim duration
Faster AimBow50+10% arrow readying speed
Marsh HunterBow75+0.5% food in marshes
Forest HunterBow75+0.5% food in forests
Mounted ArcherBow100Can use any bow on horseback
Large QuiverBow100+3 extra arrows per quiver
Intimidate ArchersBow125-2 morale for enemy archers at the start of battle
Intimidate InfantryBow125-2 morale for enemy infantry at the start of battle
Merry MenBow150+3 party size
InstructorBow175An archer in your party with a lower bow skill gets bow XP while waiting
Instinctive ShotBow200+10% faster to max aiming accuracy
Battle EquippedBow200+6 extra arrows per quiver
Howling BoltBow225+3% flight speed and +7% damage for arrows
Pick TargetsBow225+10% accuracy for nearby troops
RangerBow250The player is better at firing arrows while moving
Archery RenownBow275-30% ranged unit recruitment cost
Fast ReloadCrossbow25+10% reload speed
Hasty ReloadCrossbow50+15% reload speed
Crossbow CavalryCrossbow75Reload any crossbow on horseback
Plain HunterCrossbow100+0.5 food on grasslands
Improved AimCrossbow125+10% faster to max aiming accuracy
MaintenanceCrossbow150+7% damage
RecruiterCrossbow175-20% crossbow unit recruitment cost
Renowned MarksmanCrossbow200+5% post-battle XP for all ranged troops
Volley CommanderCrossbow225+10% reload speed for all ranged troops
Without HonorCrossbow250+20% damage to enemies hit from behind
Bone BoltsCrossbow275-1 enemy morale for each unit you kill with a crossbow
Steady HandThrowing25+15% accuracy
Skull CrusherThrowing50+20% headshot damage
Fully ArmedThrowing75+1 extra thrown weapon per pack
SkirmishersThrowing100+5 party size
Concealed CarryThrowing125Use throwing weapons while entering settlements as civilians
Battle ReadyThrowing150+2 thrown weapons per pack
Master ThrowerThrowing175+10% weapon flight speed and +20% damage
Perfect AccuracyThrowing200Increased accuracy
Well PreparedThrowing225+1 throwing weapon ammo for troops
Mounted ThrowerThrowing250Reduced horseback penalty to thrown weapons
Running ThrowThrowing275No penalty when throwing weapons while moving
VigorousRiding25+6% horse HP
Spare ArrowsRiding50+3 arrows in quivers when starting battles on horseback
Spare Throwing WeaponRiding50+1 throwing weapon when starting battles on horseback
SquiresRiding75+2 party size
SharpshooterRiding75+15% accuracy on horseback
Mounted ArcherRiding100-10% ranged attack penalty on horseback
CavalryRiding100-10% melee attack penalty on horseback
Bow ExpertRiding125Use any bow on horseback
Crossbow ExpertRiding125Use any crossbow on horseback
Horse GroomingRiding150+50% production in horse farms
ConroiRiding175+4 party size
TramplerRiding200+50% charge damage
Iron SteedRiding225-50% chance a horse is lamed when wounded
Filled to BrimRiding250+20 carrying capacity for pack animals
Nomadic TraditionsRiding275+30% mounted unit speed
Extra ArrowsAthletics25+2 arrows in quivers when starting a battle on foot
Extra Throwing WeaponAthletics25+1 throwing weapon quantity when starting a battle on foot
Close Quarters TrainingAthletics50+2 melee damage while on foot
Ranged TrainingAthletics50+2 ranged damage while on foot
EnduranceAthletics75+4% HP
DexterousAthletics75+3% movement speed
PowerkickAthletics100Increased kick damage
In Good ShapeAthletics125+2% foot soldier HP
Furious ChargeAthletics150+10% foot soldiers speed
Salt the WoundAthletics175Extra damage while lower than half max HP
UnburdenedAthletics200Lower penalty for being over-encumbered
Peak FormAthletics225+10% HP
SpartanAthletics250-5% party food consumption and wages
Mighty BlowAthletics275Bashes and kicks knock enemies down
Efficient Iron MakerSmithing253x Crude Iron for 1x Iron Ore
Efficient Charcoal MakerSmithing252x Charcoal for 1x Hardwood
Steel MakerSmithing502x Iron into 1x Steel. 1x Crude Iron by-product
Curious SmelterSmithing50+100% chance to learn new designs while smelting
Steel Maker IISmithing752x Steel into 1x Fine Steel. 1x Crue Iron by-product
Curious SmithSmithing75+100% chance to learn new designs while smithing
Steel Maker IIISmithing1002x Fine Steel into Thamaskene Steel. 1x Crude Iron by-product
Experienced SmithSmithing100+10% chance to craft "fine" weapon if difficulty requirements are met
Practical RefinerSmithing125-50% stamina cost to refining
Practical SmelterSmithing125-50% stamina cost to smelting
Vigorous SmithSmithing150+1 Vigor
Strong SmithSmithing150+1 Strength
Practical SmithSmithing175-50% stamina cost to smithing
Artisan SmithSmithing175-50% penalty when trading smithed weapons
Master SmithSmithing200+10% masterwork weapon crafting chance if difficulty requirements are met
Enduring SmithSmithing225+1 Endurance
Fencer SmithSmithing225+1 focus points for One-handed and Two-handed skills
Sharpened EdgeSmithing250+2% cut damage for crafted weapons
Sharpened TipSmithing250+2% thrust damage for crafted weapons
Legendary SmithSmithing275+5% legendary weapon crafting chance if difficulty requirements are met, that is increased +1% for every smithing skill point above 300.
PathfinderScouting25+2% party movement speed during daytime
Night VisionScouting25+2% party movement speed during nighttime
NavigatorScouting50+1% party movement speed
InvestigatorScouting75Tracks give more information
FarsightedScouting100Increased chance to spot other roaming parties
Eye for AmbushScouting125QSpot hideouts from further away
Forest LoreScouting150+5% movement speed and -50% food consumption while on forests
Desert LoreScouting150+5% movement speed and -50% food consumption while on deserts
Hills LoreScouting175+5% movement speed and -50% food consumption while on hills
Marshes LoreScouting175+5% movement speed and -50% food consumption while on marshes
Forced MarchScouting200Bonus speed with high party morale
Grassland NavigatorScouting225+5% movement speed while in grasslands
Healthy ScoutScouting250+8% HP
Lay of the LandScouting275+3% movement speed on map
Companion CavalryTactics25+10% enemy morale loss with cavalry attacks
Tactical SuperiorityTactics50+5% troop damage in simulations
One Step AheadTactics75Place all troops before battles begin
LogisticsTactics100+20% ammo for ranged units
Ambush SpecialistsTactics125+60% archer damage in simulations while in forests
PhalanxTactics150+50% infantry damage vs cavalry in simulations
Hammer & AnvilTactics150+50% cavalry damage vs archers in simulations
ElusiveTactics175-50% troops left behind when retreating
Swift RegroupTactics200-50% disorganised duration
BaitTactics225+30% reinforcement distance for allies
Trusted CommanderTactics250Reduced army cohesion decay
Rational LeaderTactics275Decreased army supply consumption and disorganised duration
Raiding PartyRoguery25+10% faster village raids
Eye for LootRoguery25+5% loot from village raids
Commanding PresenceRoguery50Lower relationship penalty when using intimidation
For the ThrillRoguery75+10% morale from raiding villages
ScavengerRoguery100More loot from enemies
Concealed BladeRoguery125Can use one handed weapons as a civilian
Slip Into ShadowsRoguery125-20% chance of being caught while sneaking in towns
NegotiatorRoguery150+50% easier bribes
BriberRoguery150Higher chance a bribe option appears in dialogue
CamoflagueRoguery175-10% chance to alarm enemy settlements when passing nearby
Escape ArtistsRoguery200+30% faster when escaping captivity
Bribe MasterRoguery225-50% bribe amount
Slave TraderRoguery250+20% better deals with ransom broker
Merry MenRoguery275Recruit bandits to party
Ice BreakerCharm25+10% chance to gain +2 relations when introducing yourself to lords
DiplomacyCharm25-15% barter penalty
Adventure StoriesCharm50+1 renown for each issue resolved
Show Your ScarsCharm50+20% more renown from battles
Forgivable GrievancesCharm75-20% persuasion critical failure chance
Meaningful FavorsCharm75+10% chance to have doubled persuasion success
In BloomCharm100+20% relationship gain with those of the opposite gender
Young and RespectfulCharm100+20% relationship gain with those of the same gender
ChampionCharm125+10 influence from winning tournaments
Respectful OppositionCharm125+30% chance to negate relationship penalty from kingdom decisions
Effort For The PeopleCharm150+10% chance for governor to gain +1 relation with random notable person (lord or noble) per day
PromoterCharm150+1 notable relations with settlement owner for every project completed
Our Great LeaderCharm175+20% influence from personal actions
Pro FamiliaCharm175Clan member parties gain +10% influence from actions
Moral LeaderCharm200+10 security bonus for towns
Natural LeaderCharm200+10 loyalty bonus for towns
CourtshipCharm225+1 influence per day for each allied lord's party not currently in an army, and while waiting in the same town
ParadeCharm225+5 loyalty per day when you visit your settlements
CharmCharm250This perk is not currently enabled
Immortal CharmCharm275+1 influence per day for every 5 charm skill points after 250
Combat TipsLeadership25Small XP boost each day to your party
Raise the MeekLeadership25Medium XP boost each day for troops of tier 1-3
Inspiring AttackerLeadership50+20 morale in battles when you're attacking
Star DefenderLeadership50+20 morale in battles when you're defending
Stiff Upper LipLeadership75+20% security effectiveness of town garrisons
GratitudeLeadership75+20% town loyalty gain
Levy SergeantLeadership100-15% wages for troops of tier 1-4
Veterans RespectLeadership100-15% wages for troops of tier 4-6
Dispenser of JusticeLeadership125+5 town security while waiting
DisciplinarianLeadership125Convert bandits into regular troops
Drill MasterLeadership150+20% XP for garrison
Citizen MilitiaLeadership150+20% chance that militia spawns with more experienced troops
Inspiring LeaderLeadership175-20% influence needed to call parties to army
Assuring PresenceLeadership175-20% army cohesion decay
Public TalkerLeadership200+10% more effective boosts from forum, festival, arena, temple, and market place
Inspiring WarriorLeadership200+20% faster notable recruit replenishment
Swords As TributeLeadership225+20% XP for heroes under your command
CompanionsLeadership225+20% XP for troops under your command
LeaderLeadership250This perk is not currently enabled
Ultimate LeaderLeadership275+1 party capacity for every leadership skill point above 250
AppraiserTrade25+5% selling price for your equipment and profits are marked
Whole SellerTrade25+5% selling price for your trade goods and profits are marked
Caravan MasterTrade50-20% wages for caravans and +30% party carry weight
Town MerchantTrade50-20% wages for workshops and +30% party carry weight
Traveling RumorsTrade75Caravans gather trade rumours and mark item prices relative to the average price
Local ConnectionTrade75Workshops gather trade rumours and mark item prices relative to the average price
Distributed GoodsTrade100+10 income for every villager party that enters town
Toll GatesTrade100+25 income for every caravan that enters town
Artisan CommunityTrade125+1 renown for every profitable shop you own
Great InvestorTrade125+1 renown for every profitable caravan you own
Village ConnectionsTrade150+25% workshop production
Content TradesTrade150+10% tariff income
Insurance PlansTrade175Caravans have more elite troops and return 5000 gold when destroyed
Rapid DevelopmentTrade175+70% town taxes while waiting and shops give 5000 gold when captured by an enemy
Granary AccountantTrade200+20% production for grain, olive, fish, and dates in "bound villages"
Tradeyard ForemanTrade200+20% production for clay, iron, raw silk, and silver in "bound villages"
Everything Has a PriceTrade225Trade settlements while bartering
Influential TraderTrade250Caravans and workshops generate influence
Mercenary TraderTrade275+15 party size
Tax CollectorSteward25+10% tax from villages
Supreme AuthoritySteward25+1 influence if you're a ruler
AgricultureSteward50+30% farm production
ProminenceSteward50+1 influence if you're a vassal
Nourish SettlementSteward75Quadruple settlement prosperity growth while you wait there
WarmongerSteward75Less influence needed to summon vassals for war
BannerlordSteward100+2 party size for each fief you own
Logistics ExpertSteward100Parties in armies you lead move faster
Prosperous ReignSteward125Double village growth rate
War RationsSteward125-20% food consumption
Enhanced MinesSteward150+50% tax income from mines
Swords As TributeSteward150+10 party size for every vassal Does not work
Man-At-ArmsSteward175+5 party size for each fief you own. Does not work
Mount ExpertSteward175-10% trade penalty for horses
ReeveSteward200+1 companion Does not work
Stand UnitedSteward200If you're leading a siege, any party that leaves or enters the area must engage your army first
Food RationingSteward225-40% food consumption in a settlement while you're under siege
AssessorSteward225+10% taxes from villages
RulerSteward250+1 companion for each town you own
AgrarianSteward250+30% farm production
ReconstructionSteward275Faster recovery for villages after being raided
Self MedicationMedicine25+10% character healing rate
Preventative MedicineMedicine25+10% HP
Triage TentMedicine50+20% healing rate for party while stationary on world map
Walk It OffMedicine50+10% healing rate for party while moving on the world map
Mobile AidMedicine75-50% party speed penalty due to wounded members
Doctor's OathMedicine75Medicine recovery chance also applies to enemies
Best MedicineMedicine100+10% healing rate when at high morale
Good LodgingMedicine100+10% healing rate when resting in towns
Siege MedicMedicine125+30% chance of siege bombardment casualties being wounded instead of being killed
Pristine StreetsMedicine150+1 settlement prosperity each day
Bush DoctorMedicine150+20% village hearth growth rate and +20% party healing rate when waiting in villages
Perfect HealthMedicine175+20% clan member fertility
Health AdviceMedicine175+10% clan life expectancy
Physician of PeopleMedicine200+1 settlement loyalty each day
Clean InfrastructureMedicine200+1 prosperity each day for every town project related to health and sanitation
Cheat DeathMedicine225One-time chance to avoid death when terminally ill
Fortitude TonicMedicine225-50% chance of heroes dying in battle
Horse HealerMedicine250+30% chance per day for a lame horse to recover
Minister of HealthMedicine275Troops gain bonus HP before battles
Construction ExpertEngineering25+30% construction speed for castles and walls
BallisticsEngineering50+30% catapult effectiveness
Imperial FireEngineering75Enables construction of fire-throwing siege engines
Improved MasonryEngineering100Stronger fortifications
ArmorcraftEngineering125+10% armour effectiveness
Good MaterialsEngineering150+20% HP for siege engines
Heavier Siege EnginesEngineering175+20% increased bombardment damage vs other siege engines
Wall BreakerEngineering200Increased damage to walls during sieges
ResoluteEngineering225Lower morale loss during sieges
BuilderEngineering2501.5x building development speed
Everyday EngineerEngineering275+60% effectiveness for default town projects
The character creation screen for Bannerlord which can determine some starting skills.

Choosing your culture

A lot of your initial skill points and perks will come from your character's creation at the beginning of the game. Your first task when creating a character is to choose your culture.

There are six cultures to choose from and they're all named after one of the kingdoms or regions. Your choice therefore, is the region your character grew up in.

They comes with their own bonuses. Some cultures affect how troops move in certain terrains, while others give bonuses to experience or reduction in costs.

  • Vlandians: 20% more upgrade XP to troops from battles.
  • Sturgians: 20% less speed penalty from snow.
  • Empire: 20% construction speed bonus to town projects, wall repairs and siege.
  • Aseri: Caravans are 30% cheaper build cost and 10% less trade penalty.
  • Khuzaits: 10% speed bonus for horsemen on campaign map.
  • Battanians: 10% less speed penalty from Forest.

Since you start out in areas that are not covered in snow, picking the Sturgians might give you a bit of a hard time when compared to the other cultures.

If you want my opinion on which ones are the best for beginners, go with either Empire or Vlandians, as their bonuses can help with fortifying your towns or troops. Try the Aseri if you're looking for a more trade-focused campaign, while Khuzaits help out with amassing a superior cavalry.

Deciding your background

It's not just your culture that you can choose. Later on in character creation, you'll be asked to define your background. Picking one of the options available will give you some skill level and focus points to spend on that skill.

You'll also get attribute points which affect all three skills in that attribute's scope (for example, Vigor has one handed, two handed, and polearm skills).

There are six questions you'll need to answer to create your character. It's worth noting that question five gives some additional renown and some points in unrelated stats to the ones used for levelling up.

To make it easier for you, click the following links to go to the question you need to answer.

  1. Family
  2. Early Childhood
  3. Adolescence
  4. Youth
  5. Young Adulthood
  6. Story Background


A Lord's Retainers

  • Riding: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Polearm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point

Urban Merchants

  • Trade: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Charm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Social: +1 attribute point


  • Athletics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Polearm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point

Urban Artisans

  • Smithing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Crossbow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Intelligence: +1 attribute point


  • Scouting: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

Urban Vagabonds

  • Roguery: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Throwing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Cunning: +1 attribute point

Early Childhood

your leadership skills

  • Leadership: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Cunning: +1 attribute point

your brawn

  • Two handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Throwing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point

your attention to detail

  • Athletics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • One handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

your aptitude with numbers

  • Engineering: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Trade: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Intelligence: +1 attribute point

your way with people

  • Charm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Leadership: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Social: +1 attribute point

your skill with horses

  • Riding: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Medicine: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point


herded the sheep

  • Athletics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Throwing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

worked in the village smithy

  • Two handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Smithing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point

repaired projects

  • Smithing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Engineering: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Intelligence: +1 attribute point

gathered herbs in the wild

  • Medicine: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Scouting: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point

hunted small game

  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

sold produce at the market

  • Trade: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Charm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Social: +1 attribute point


joined a commander's staff

  • Steward: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Cunning: +1 attribute point

trained with the cavalry

  • Riding: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Polearm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point

stood guard with the garrisons

  • Crossbow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Engineering: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Intelligence: +1 attribute point

rode with the scouts

  • Riding: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point

trained with the infantry

  • Polearm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • One handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point

joined the skirmishers

  • Throwing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

Young Adulthood

You defeated an enemy in battle

  • One handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Two handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point
  • +1 Valor
  • +20 Renown

You led a successful manhunt

  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Leadership: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Cunning: +1 attribute point
  • +1 Calculating
  • +10 Renown

You invested some money in land

  • Trade: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Smithing: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Intelligence: +1 attribute point
  • +1 Calculating
  • +10 Renown

You hunted a dangerous animal

  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Crossbow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point
  • +5 Renown

You had a famous escapade in town

  • Athletics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Roguery: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point
  • +1 Valor
  • +5 Renown

You treated people well

  • Charm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Steward: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Social: +1 attribute point
  • +1 Mercy, Generosity, and Honor
  • +5 Renown

Story Background

you subdued a raider

  • One handed: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Athletics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Vigor: +1 attribute point

you drove them off with arrows

  • Bow: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Control: +1 attribute point

you rode off on a fast horse

  • Riding: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Scouting: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Endurance: +1 attribute point

you tricked the raiders

  • Roguery: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Tactics: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Cunning: +1 attribute point

you organised the travellers to break out

  • Leadership: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Charm: +10 Skill level and +1 Focus Point
  • Social: +1 attribute point

We hope that this is helpful for deciding which skills to unlock, and how to upgrade your character in Bannerlord. You can check out our other guides for the game, such as tips to get started in the campaign, and other complicated parts such as sieges and workshops.

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