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Orton Hears A Howl: Orton And The Princess

TheBlackBandit suggested we look at Flash game Orton And The Princess with the accompanying comment, "Your choice whether or not to post it." It turns out it's worth posting, and, well, even if it weren't I figured maybe he's being passive aggressive and if I don't he'll hurt me. It's a strange little game - very simple platform mechanic, except... except the game mocks you.

It's twitchy, and therefore tricky, to make the jumps. With an instant restart, this of course makes it a fairly regular Flash platform game, pushing you to keep retrying a single level until you get through. This is made somewhat tougher by the game pointing out how close you got that time, or quite rubbish you are.

At first this made me laugh. Out loud. It was smart. Not just random insults, but insults specific to how I messed up. Nice.

Then it quickly became. "Well how about you fix your fucking jump mechanic before you start having a go at ME?!"

I think the game just achieved its aim.

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