Overwatch Character Guide: Abilities And Strategy Tips
Overwatch character guides
With 22 heroes to choose from, there's a lot of variety to Overwatch. Each hero has their own abilities, strengths, and strategies that really make them shine in combat, but figuring all of that out as you play can be both intimidating and time-consuming. I've compiled a positively massive guide to every hero in Overwatch that includes a breakdown of their abilities and a few paragraphs giving you some useful pointers on how to shine.
Updated Nov 15th 2016.
Offensive Heroes: Those who excel is dishing out damage and harassing the enemy.
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Defensive Heroes: Heroes who shut down plays and control the flow of battle.
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Tank Heroes: Frontline fighters who can dish it just as good as they can take it.
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Support Heroes: Characters who specialize in healing and buffing their allies.
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As always, Overwatch is a game about embracing that variety and switching heroes often, so don't get locked into playing just one. If a strategy isn't working for you, swapping to a new hero is often the best course of action.
It's also worth noting that, as with any competitive game, the balance and meta is expected to shift over time, so I've done my best to give you a good foundation without getting so granular that my advice risks falling out of fashion.
If you're looking not for how best to play each Overwatch character, but how best to beat them, visit our Overwatch counters guide for tips on how to counter every Overwatch hero.