In the heat of the night: see Overwatch's Petra
In the land of the blind...
The news that Overwatch's birthday event will tomorrow add a new deathmatch map named 'Petra' might not have meant much to you, but if you don't know the name you'll surely recognise the landmark. Watch the new trailer below and you'll be instantly struck by the realisation that: oh my god, Petra is that Jordanian valley city made world-famous in the late 80s by The Sisters Of Mercy's Dominion video. And now Overwatch is off there! Very exciting. Time to wash (and iron!) your white linen suits in preparation for the festivities.
Blizzard blarb:
"A group of archaeologists have begun an excavation and preservation project among the ruins of Petra, a new Deathmatch map that puts all heroes on their own, facing off against one another until one hero scores enough eliminations to win the match.
"Take in Petra's majestic views, from high vistas to twisting passageways and deep caverns. Travel along deadly cliffs, but be careful to not fall off! A dilapidated bridge stretches across the map, and the ground underneath it can crumble away to reveal a lethal pit. Hopping on a green jump pad will boost you up to Petra's higher levels and unlock new strategic possibilities for you. . . ."
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday--Dominion!--is when Overwatch's birthday celebrations will kick off with Petra, Competitive Mode support for deathmatch, new skins, and other shiny odds and ends. Overwatch will be free to play in full from May 25 to 29 too.
Anyway, enough of that, here's this: