Rabbiting On: The Pretty Madness Of Alice 2
I believe we've only been wandering the dark realms of pre-rendered and weakman footage for USA McWow's belated sequel to olden wierdo-actioner Alice until now, so 'tis a fine thing to finally present proper in-game videos of Madness Returns. It is it wonderland or ponderousland? Oof, that didn't work at all.
Wait, was that Alice with a machinegun?
Looks visually highly inventive this, though I worry a little that it'll be Dante's Inferno all over again. Boring old fart that I am, I crave ways to interact with so imaginative a setting beyond stabbin' and shootin' and jumpin'. I do look forward to spraying it across 1920x1200 pixels, however - and there's a mere month and four days until that happens. Goodness, release dates seem to arrive so quickly sometimes.