Rainbow 6 Siege Gone Boating In Operation Black Ice
Mind your legs!
A fancy yacht crashed in cruel Canadian ice (quite contrary to the nature of its countrymen, Canadian ice) is now available for your recreational raiding in Rainbow Six Siege [official site], added today in the free 'Operation Black Ice' update. It also brings two new operators with new toys (a leg trap is v. Canadian), though until next Tuesday they're only for people who've bought the season pass - the rest of y'all will have to make do with getting shot in the face by them.
The new operators (or classes, if you want) are Frost and Buck. She lays down non-lethal leg traps which don't show up on scanners, while he's slapped an underbarrel shotgun onto his assault rifle for ease of breaching/murdering. Good times!
Season Pass holders get the two right away, while everyone else will need to wait until February 9th then unlock them with either Renown (earned by playing) or R6 Credits (bought with real cash money). Hey, this way, it'll be those damned Wall Street Fat Cats who look like fools trying to figure out how to play the new classes, and everyone else can learn from watching their mistakes.
Yep, that's all pretty much like the leaks said.
Black Ice also brought new weapon skins, spectator camera improvements, balance tweaks, bug fixes, and more. For the full patch notes, head on over here. This right here below is just some moving pictures with sounds: