Relic Foresees 'Strong Possibility' Of More Dawn Of War
It's been one of those days. And by that, I of course mean what everybody does when they say that: a day during which basically everything you read somehow relates to THQ's slow, withering dismemberment at the vulture-like beaks of hungry publishers. But that goes without saying. Some things, however, aren't quite as simple as months and months of studio and license sales, culminating in more questions than answers. For instance, what happens if a series gets tangled up in the crisscrossing webs of multiple owners? Sure, THQ's now history, but that still leaves Relic, Sega, and Games Workshop to figure out the logistics of bringing Dawn of War back from the brink. And yet, while it won't necessarily be the easiest thing in the world, Relic game director Quinn Duffy is confident that it can - and probably will - eventually happen.
Speaking with Eurogamer, Duffy was quite upbeat about the modern Warhammer RTS classic's chances of rising again. Fortunately, it turns out that Sega was right for Relic on a number of levels, allowing the planets to align for more Games Workshop collaborations. Duffy explained:
"Dawn of War, because it's a license and it's owned by Games Workshop, they have the opportunity to work that license with whoever they want. I would hope it would be us again. We had a great working relationship with Games Workshop. Sega is establishing one now with the fantasy license for Creative Assembly."
"There's a strong possibility we'll all be working together again on Dawn of War."
He did, however, note that he'd want to take a serious technological leap before letting a new Dawn of War see the light of day, especially in regards to Relic's current in-house game engine. "Whatever's happening has to take that into account," he added.
And then he did a bunch of coy smiling and teasing, which is akin to signing contracts and confirmation papers with my heart. This had better come to fruition, Duffy. Otherwise, I will break, like a lone marine against a Carnifex. What will your sly looks and pleasing words be then, huh?
Oh god please don't hurt me I'm so frail right now.