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Run, The Forest, Run: New Trailer For Crafty Survival Horror

The Forest Trailer 2

The Forest is Minecraft meets Slender, or Lost: The Game, or Sir, You Are Henry David Thoreau, or any one of a number of other lazy comparisons that does more to make me look knowledgeable than it does to actually tell you about the game.

Ahem. So watch this new trailer instead. It's Stalker meets Wurm Online!

Understand, now? It's Lord of the Flies mixed with World War Z.

The first trailer, when posted to Steam Greenlight back in May, caused enough rumbles that the game was quickly greenlit. This new trailer looks far more accomplished. I like that it starts off all Animals of Farthing Wood before it descends into creepy skull-mashing horror. I quite fancy that high-contrast juxtaposition of cabin-building idyll and oh-fuck-oh-fuck lycra-suited cannibals.

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