Shadowrun Returns Alpha Footage
A few weeks ago, I posted what I thought were Shadowrun Returns screenshots, only to be told that they were 'concept pieces'. I consider that to be the worst thing that has happened to me in 2013 so far. The twenty minutes of alpha footage in the video below are definitely genuine though. I can tell because Jordan Weisman is one of the narrators and he has been running in the shadows since 1989. If you choose to watch, you'll be treated to a great deal of handsome isometric cyberpunk combat and dialogue, with excitable and explanatory voiceovers.
Desirable. I sometimes forget how unlikely some of the early batch of Kickstarter projects seemed when they were first announced but watching this and seeing that Shadowrun is actually a cRPG again causes me to nod contentedly. That's as close to a smile as I get on a Friday afternoon.