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Spare A Click For Crysis 3's "Interactive" Trailer?

Woo! It's almost like playing the game! Ah, sorry, yes: the possibilities for mockery when a scripted shooter chooses to promote itself via a trailer in which you just have a couple of choices and then you let the rest of it play out are basically pretty mean. So I won't go there, and instead point out how pretty the ruined jungled New York of Crysis 3 is. Yep, it's super pretty! It's not the first game to feature a future-New York taken over by jungle, of course, but this time you get a bow and arrow! The trailer shows off some neat features aside from prettiness, of course, including weapon modification and shooting people in the head. That always goes down well.

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Twenty-four years on from Crysis 2, Crysis 3 tells the ongoing story of Prophet, who returns to New York to find it encased in a dome for some reason. He's not an old man, either, so that must be the nano-magic. Inside the dome it is a jungle, some aliens, and a corrupt future-corporation. All the ingredients required for action!

The game is set to hit in February 2013.

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