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Strike Vector Looks Striking, Beta Revving Up

The fastest little guncar

The day mankind invents the flying guncar is the day our true descent into apocalyptic dishevelment finally begins. Or I suppose it could also guide us into the future proposed by The Jetsons, but regardless: flying cars mean flying cities which in turn both mean that something has gone horribly wrong. The planet's become uninhabitable, so humanity's decided to stink up the sky too. I must confess, though, that guncar skywar looks way more fun than regular old infantry (or even plane) battling, so it's not all bad. Well, except for the whole war part. But anyway, Strike Vector is coming along swimmingly (flyingly?), and its open beta is taking off in January. Trailer below.

Despite its snazzy hi-res looks, Strike Vector is actually being developed by a teensy tiny indie team. And the beta sign-up process? So indie it hurts. There's no meticulously laid out sign-up form or anything like that. Just email and ask nicely (I recommend "pretty please with sugar on top and also I won't poison your community by spewing racist/sexist/ableist slurs and screaming profanities when I lose"). For your troubles, you'll procure a Steam key.

Which is all to say that this is surprisingly not a buy-in beta. Seeing as no-strings-attached alphas/betas are nearly extinct these days, that's worth celebrating all by its lonesome. But ultimately, it's the game that will do the talking. Like what you see?

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