Subtle Knives: Democracy 3 - Social Engineering
The body politic expands
Graham recognised the brilliance of Democracy 3 in his review while also drawing attention to its limitations. I agree that the joy of the game is in tweaking and plucking, observing the way that a decision influences the cat's cradle of government, and how the taut lines of the interface tremble and intersect. The new Social Engineering expansion adds 26 new policies and eight new dilemmas. Cliffski explains: "with social engineering you get to influence the population in far subtler ways. From TV ad campaigns to promote healthy eating to free parenting classes, city farms and a smart-meter program". The scalpel rises and a country dies by a thousand subtle incisions.
The add-on is available at this very moment, either direct from Positech or via Steam. I'm not linking to the Steam page though because the direct version includes a Steam key.
Meanwhile, Cliffski continues work on Gratuitous Space Battles 2. Sexy space lighting.