Take a look inside I Am Dead, a game about looking inside lots of stuff
Use your spectral peeking powers
There are perks to being dead, it turns out. You can talk to your dog who is also dead, talk to other ghosts, and look inside just about anything to take a peek at what's hidden within. Hollow Ponds gave folks a look inside I Am Dead, explaining how recently deceased museum curator Morris Lupton and his dog Sparky will save the Shelmerston with their new ghost powers.
The primary ghost power that Morris makes use of is seeing inside stuff. As a ghost, floors and walls and such aren't of consequence. Peering inside objects is like a moving cross section, like breaking a game and seeing inside your character's face by accident. On purpose though, so it's cute instead of horrifying. Hollow Ponds call it a sort of hidden object game where you take a look inside things and then take a step deeper to look inside things inside the original thing looking for clues.
According to the new gameplay walkthrough, Morris and Sparky need to befriend other ghosts so they can prevent a volcano from destroying the island. You'll even look inside people's heads to find their memories of other ghosts. Those memories will give you clues to objects which were important to other now-deceased folks, allowing you to talk with them once you find their treasured objects. Morris's old pal Val, for instance, was fond of a horse grooming glove that's been stolen by a fox who collects gloves. You know, how foxes do.
The new video also does a bit of explaining about some of the quirky folks you'll encounter on the island. There are human locals, fish folks who only recently started living on land, and bird people who flock to Shelmerson every summer. There's also a famous sculptor with an apple for a head. Why not?
I do enjoy a good puzzle, especially a brightly-colored one. I can already see myself getting lots three layers deep somewhere inside Shelmerston, being absolutely certain that I need to find every little secret.
I Am Dead is launching sometime later this year. You can find and wishlist it over on Steam until then.
Whatever you call it, hit our E3 2020 tag for more from this summer's blast of gaming announcements, trailers, and miscellaneous marketing. Check out the PC games at the PlayStation 5 show, everything at the PC Gaming Show, and all the trailers from the Xbox showcase, for starters.