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Tales From The Borderlands Wrapping Up Next Week

Game over

It seems RPS mostly ran tickety-boo while I was on holiday last week but - gasp! - what's this, an oversight? You guys! I can't believe you didn't mention that the final episode of Telltale's Tales from the Borderlands [official site] will be out next week, on October 20th. Tch. Clearly I should never go on holiday ever again.

I've more catching-up of my own to do, mind - I really enjoyed the first few episodes of Tales but I'm one behind. Here, come have a peek at episode 5.

You'll want to skip ahead to the one-minute mark in this here teaser trailer, past all the gubbins about review scores and a free episode for console versions. Being an episode behind myself, I have no idea what it's teasing. Folks who aren't awful slackers might have a better idea. Anyway:

Watch on YouTube

Even in a year this full of amazing games - hasn't 2015 been great? - I'm surprised that Tales from the Borderlands seems to have slipped many people's attentions. I dislike Gearbox Software's original Borderlands FPS-RPGs - the combat's boring and the characters grating - but I'm glad I gave Tales a punt. It's a fun, funny adventure through a silly world with a good cast I grew quite fond of. Nice stuff. I'm keen to catch up and see how it all ends. Though Telltale talking about it as the "season finale" rather than the end would suggest more's coming.

Tales from the Borderlands is on Windows and Mac.

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