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Tangiers is still coming, still looks fantastic

Wait 'em up

The makers of Tangiers have shared a little look at recent additions to their surreal first-person stealth sim with notes of Ballard and Burroughs, and I'm as delighted as ever to see more of it. I'm less delighted to hear of the personal upsets that stalled its development because, y'know, I'm not a monster. Who would take pleasure in someone's suffering? Tch! But I am very interested in seeing trees morph and untwist into streetlights and, as luck would have it, that's just one of the lovelies that developers Andalusian are showing off in this short video.

Nice stuff, innit? Andalusian are quite clear that "This isn't a trailer, just a very rough proof of existence", so don't you go grumbling that it doesn't have bwamps and drops. It sounds like they've had a right old time of things, going by a Twitter thread from Alex Harvey and this formal Kickstarter update. Harvey says:

"I'll skip on a sob story and finer details, but the stress of pulling the project back together, getting by with minimal funds and of some very difficult life challenges on top of that led to, for all practicalities, a very prolonged breakdown. I've not been able to maintain much functionality, and accordingly I've been doing a rancid job of everything.

"But it's a new year now, so that makes a good a time as any to try and rectify things.

"I haven't let go of working on the game, though things have moved very slowly indeed. I have got a bit of breathing room now, and we can get to moving things forward a bit more competently."

They're still working on finalising funding, and I do hope everything comes together for them. I'll happily keep waiting for this game.

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