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Temtem gear locations

Comes in handy

Gears in Temtem are items that you don't use yourself. Instead, you give them to your Temtem and they will benefit from their effects. They can augment their attacks, increase their resistance to a type, or even improve your chance to capture a wild Temtem. They're incredibly useful, but there is usually only one of each in the game.

Temtem gears

Temtem gear locations guide

This Temtem gear locations guide has all the known gears and their locations, as well as descriptions of what the gears do. You can get more tips on Temtem in our handy Temtem guide.

Some of the items can be handy when calculating weaknesses, or giving you that extra edge over the dojo leaders. We have descriptions for all the known Temtem evolutions in our Temtem evolutions guide and their locations are found in our Temtem list guide. This also has a bunch of guides on individual Temtems you may be interested in using.

Temtem equipped gear

How gears work in Temtem

Gears are items that Temtem can hold. They provide a specific benefit, such as increasing their resistance to a certain type, or gaining experience towards the next level without the need to enter the heat of battle. They're all found in specific locations, a lot of which are side-quest rewards. To equip them to your Temtem, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Head into the pause menu and select "Squad"
  • Pick a Temtem
  • Press the button indicated to "Change Gear" (PC default key is Tab)
  • Select either "Change" or "Unequip".
  • If you selected to Change or the Temtem has no gears equipped, choose from the item list.

Most gear items are found in set locations and there's only one of them in the game, but there is an exception. DNA Strands can be bought from the breeding shopkeepers and you can purchase more than one of them. Gears are incredibly useful, particularly when dealing with the Temtem dojos. Now you know what gears are and how to equip them, here are all of the currently known Temtem gears, their locations, and item descriptions.

Temtem gear locations

Gear nameGear descriptionGear location
Coward's CloakAllows the holding Temtem to gain experience and TV from combat without taking part.Top left of Sillaro River. It's accessible via Windward Fort's basement at the base of the spiral rock formation.
DecoyIncreases chance to run away from combat.Complete side-quest "Missing Kids"
Fire ChipDamage dealt with Fire techniques is increased by 10%.Anak Volcano Defeat a Belsoto scientist
Four-leaf CloverIncreases catch-rate while attempting to capture Temtem.Aguarmarina Caves - past the crystal maze. (Requires Crystal Skates)
Hand FanDamage dealt with Wind techniques is increased by 10%.Complete "Travel Writer" after describing Omninesia.
Lightning RodDamage taken from Electric techniques is reduced by 20%.Begin Blueprint Delivery side-quest, given to you by Oliana.
LureUntamed Temtem are forced to target the bearer.Complete side-quest "Travel Writer" as far as describing Deniz.
PillowRestores 10% max HP of an Asleep condition Temtem at turn start.Complete "Paparazzo" side-quest in Mokupuni.
ProteinsDoubles the TV gain from defeating untamed Temtem.Giant Banyan
PansunscreenPrevents the Burnt status condition.Inside Nanga Dojo
TalismanPrevents the Doomed status condition.Top floor of Windward Fort. Where you fight Clan Belsoto leader - Lady Lottie.
UmbrellaDamage taken from Water techniques is reduced by 20%.Complete "Tourist Guide" side-quest in Arissola.
Ice CubeDamage taken from Fire techniques is reduced by 20%.Mokupuni Dojo - take left path when it forks.
Energy DrinkPrevents the Asleep status condition.Reward for side-quest "Find Kemal in Quetzal"
Rock ShieldDamage taken from Crystal techniques is reduced by 20%.Reward for side-quest "Find Kemal in Quetzal"
SqueezerHealing items used in battle restore an additional 70% HP.Reward for side-quest "Find Kemal in Quetzal"
SweatbandAt the start of the turn, restores 15% of max stamina.Reward from side-quest "Cultist Hunt in Quetzal"
Tucma MaskDamage taken from Toxic techniques is reduced by 20%.Reward from "Shipwrecked in Tucma!"
SnareWhen attacked, disables the attacker's gear.Reward from side-quest "Blueprint Delivery" after talking to the guildmaster.
ChamomileWhen entering the battlefield, removes stage changes.Found at "Wreck of the Narwhal"
GreasePrevents the Trapped status condition.Found at "Wreck of the Narwhal"
Shuine's HornChanges the Temtem's Toxic-type techniques to Water type.Reward from "Beached Narwhal"
Vitality DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's HP.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Lithe DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's speed.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Aggressive DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's attack.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Gifted DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's special attack.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Endurance DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's stamina.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Hardening DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's defence.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Dominant DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's special defence.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Vigor DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's health and stamina.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Mighty DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's attack and special attack.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Immunity DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent's defence and special defence.Breeding Center shopkeeper
Engineered DNA StrandThis single-use DNA strand ensures the egg inherits the parent´s trait slot.Breeding Center shopkeeper

Thanks so much for checking out our Temtem gear locations guide. If you need more top tips that you come across for Temtem, check out our Temtem guide. We also have begun researching how to obtain the most elusive Temtem in our Luma Temtem guide, as well as finding all of the Courses (TCs) in our Temtem Course locations guide.

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