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That Rainbow Six Siege mobile knock-off has vanished after Ubisoft sued Apple, Google, and the developers

No more clone wars

Area F2 may as well be called Area 51 now that Ubisoft have sued Apple, Google, and the developers of the mobile game that looked suspiciously similar to Mr. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Area F2's developer Ejoy have now posted a statement confirming the game's closure and it's been delisted from both the Google Play Store and App Store.

According to a Ejoy's post on Facebook, Area F2 is being shut down today. Players are able to apply for refunds if they've made microtransaction purchases within the game. As reported by the BBC, Ubisoft believe that, prior to its closure, Area F2 had "been downloaded more than a million times and made 'tens of thousands of dollars' on in-game purchases."

The sudden closure comes after Ubisoft sued Apple, Google, and the game's developer Ejoy. Area F2 wasn't just similar to R6, apparently. By Ubisoft's measure, it was a downright uncanny copycat.

"Virtually every aspect of AF2 is copied from R6S, from the operator selection screen to the final scoring screen, and everything in between," Ubisoft said in court documents obtained by the BBC. "The games are so similar that an ordinary observer viewing and playing both games likely would be unable to differentiate between them."

Not surprising to see Ubisoft defending R6's honor what with their continued updates for the FPS. Their new Operation Steel Wave is dropping new operators and a map rework and all the usual jazz this season.

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